Working with Great Barrier Reef fishing industries to prepare for change (7881)
Climate change and extreme weather pose substantial challenges for industries such as fishing that are dependent on ecosystem goods and services provided by the Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is working to help these industries explore climate vulnerabilities, understand the links to environmental resilience, develop adaptation actions, and support industry efforts to put adaptation into practice.
We are partnering with the fishing industry in some of this work to help them – and the Great Barrier Reef – cope with climate change. The work has focused on finding solutions as well as understanding the problem. Forward-looking industry members are realising that it makes sense to prepare their businesses for change. Adaptability has been a key trait of the fishing industry, and one that may be called on more than ever as the effects of a changing climate take hold.
We will share some examples of how the fishing industry is preparing to tackle projected changes in climate and ocean conditions with adaptation in mind, including stories from the coral and aquarium fish collecting industry and the trawl fishery. The peak industry bodies, representative fishing businesses, marine park managers, fishery managers, and research scientists have all contributed to this work. In addition, we will outline how we are continuing to develop ways of approaching adaptation planning in a fisheries context.