Liz Hanna
Australian National University, ACT, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Liz is a Fellow at the National Centre Epidemiology & Population Health, ANU. She convenes the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Human Health, is President of the Climate and Health Alliance and a member of the WWF Climate Change Science Panel. From 2002-2009 Dr Hanna Convened the Environmental Health SIG for the Public Health Association of Australia. Her PhD revealed Australia’s health protection gaps relating to chemical exposures, and her current research continues to address environmental determinants of health; the factors (knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, policy and health infrastructure) that elicit protective responses adopted by individuals, communities and governments. Since 2009 her primary research focus has been climate change, especially exposures to heat and Australia’s capacity to respond and adapt. She directs the NHMRC Research Project investigating Working in the heat in our increasingly warm summers.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Microclimates and heat islands: Climate change exacerbates occupational heat exposures for Australian workers (7269)
2:00 PM
Liz Hanna
Impacts, adaptation and mitigation